In the elite world of Feng Shui, few westerners ever achieve the respect and title of Feng Shui Master from the Chinese.Having spent many years extensively studying in Hong Kong under Master Raymond Lo and other teachers, Gahle Atherton holds this honour. She is one of the few to have ever had access to the more sophisticated and secret applications only taught to privileged Asian students.
To date, Gahle is the only 'westerner' to have been invited and welcomed into the esteemed circle of Hong Kong Feng Shui experts, her talents having been exclusively recognised in 1996 and 1998 by some of Hong Kong and Malaysia's leading Feng Shui Masters and Grand Masters.
Gahle specialises in Feng Shui techniques for exisiting buildings, renovations, building developments, and corrections for buildings with "big Feng Shui problems". In addition, she practices authentic Chinese Astrology. Her clients range from leading Australian business, to Hollywood celebrities, to some of Hong Kong's biggest business empires. Even the Dalai Lama benefited from her expertise when she was specifically sought by the organising committee to correct "a bad area" of his Sydney venue.
Gahle regularly consults in the USA, China, Canada, Hong Kong, Singapore and Australia. Her expertise has been called upon in all manner of corporate situations and she brings a unique perspective to business management. Some of these companies have increased profits margins by as much as 1000%. She is invited as a regular guest on both television and radio and is a writer for leading Australian publications including the "WellBeing" and the UK magazine "Feng Shui for Modern Living".
In 1994 Gahle established the 'Australian School of Advanced Classical Feng Shui' and was the first Australian teacher and practitioner to introduce Asian applications of Feng Shui and the Flying Star technique to Australia. Many practitioners currently practising this technique (in Australia) have originally learnt from her. From 1995 - 1998 Gahle was the President of the Feng Shui Society of Australia and was one of the guiding forces behind creating the 'Code of Ethics' for Australian practitioners (in a currently unregulated industry).
Gahle's philosophy about Feng Shui is simple: "In the Chinese perspective, Feng Shui always keeps the bigger picture in mind: the person, their building and their lives. It is a very wholesome approach.